Individually tailored to your processes
In industry, pneumatic or automatic valves are a must for controlling and monitoring pipe systems. The modular design and flexible actuator elements enable customer-specific automation.
Standardized head flange dimensions according to DIN EN ISO 5211 are an easy way to automate valves retroactively and individually, as well as independent of the manufacturer. The type of actuator depends on the availability of the necessary auxiliary energy and the application.
Since a compressed air network is often available in process plants, pneumatic actuators are widely used. One advantage is their high positioning speed. A distinction is made between double-acting and single-acting actuators. The single-acting actuators are mostly used in piping systems where a safety position of the valve is required in the event of an emergency.
At the customer's request, we can supply everything from a single source: the modular design of separate limit switches, solenoid valves for electromagnetic pilot control of the actuators, and positioners.
Electric actuators can be designed either for direct current or for 1- and 3-phase alternating current. The additional functions such as limit switches and control options are built into the actuator. A distinction is made between actuators and modulating actuators.
(butterfly valves and ball valves)
A distinction is made between double-acting and single-acting actuators. The single-acting actuators are used in pipeline systems where, in the event of an emergency, a safety position of the valve is required for plant or process reasons.
The actuators have a minimum friction factor of the pistons (breakaway pressure approx. 0.15 bar), have continuously adjustable end stops and a blowout-proof drive shaft. Interfaces according to EN 12116, VDI/VDE 3845 and NAMUR complete the product.
(butterfly valves and ball valves)
Electric actuators can be designed for DC as well as for 1- and 3-phase alternating current.
In addition to standard actuators, we also offer actuators with special voltages or for explosion-proof applications (EEx de II CT4/5, for Z3 EEx d II CT5).
Limit switch boxes for pneumatic rotary and linear actuators
Microswitches and inductive proximity switches in various designs in 2- or 3-wire technology. also in NAMUR design and with safety position
Solenoid valves/NAMUR modular system
Solenoid valves are used for electromagnetic pilot control of pneumatic actuators to avoid multiple routing of compressed air lines.
In most industrial applications, monostable solenoid valves with a return spring are used, which have a defined (safety) rest position, but require a continuous current to maintain the operating position. Bistable solenoid valves (with 2 electromagnets), on the other hand, only require current for a short time in order to realize the desired piston position. They then remain in the same position until they are switched on again (pulse control).
Silencers are screwed directly into the exhaust port of a pneumatic actuator or pilot valve. The expelled air escapes into the atmosphere with simultaneous expansion/extension through the porous body. The size and pore structure of the silencer are optimally matched to achieve a noise reduction of approximately 20 decibels.
Restrictor silencer
Throttle silencers are screwed directly into the discharge opening of a pneumatic actuator or pilot valve. The expelled air escapes into the atmosphere with simultaneous expansion/extension through the porous attenuator body. The noise level when the corresponding air path is emptied is reduced by approx. 20%. The integrated needle valve serves to extend the free cross-section and thus the operating time of the corresponding unit.
We are happy to advise you
Our delivery program includes:
Butterfly throttle valves
throttle valves are non- thight
- sealing valves. They are used for the safe transport of big volumes of gaseous
We manufacture flange connection dimensions and installation lengths according
to customer requirements. You can also choose between manual, pneumatic or
electric actuators. We will
be glad to advise you.
Gauge guard
Gauge guards are used for pressure measurement of neutral and aggressive media. The pressure sensor is hermetically separated from the medium by a PTFE-coated diaphragm integrated in the gauge guard. The FRANK gauge guard is low-maintenance and achieves excellent measuring accuracies.
Inspection glass
Pipe inspection glasses are used for visual inspection of fillings and flows in pipelines.
FRANK inspection glasses are free of dead spaces, have a barrier-free passage and offer a particularly high level of safety, even when transporting chemicals, thanks to the borosilicate glass used and the double seal.
Y-strainers in pipe systems are needed to protect sensitive fittings and pumps from contamination and thus from damage. We supply different mesh sizes for a wide range of applications.
Filler and breather valves are mainly used to vent containers, e.g. to prevent underpressure.
Throttle valves are used in pipelines where the volume flow (liquids and gases) is to be throttled.
Float valves are used for automatic supply control of tanks and vessels without additional auxiliary power. They are used to keep filling levels at a constant level.
Water jet vacuum pumps are mainly used for pumping and mixing chemical media, metering acids and alkalis, and lifting liquids.
We are happy to advise you